annoying things. first dates. and everything in between.

born in '88. How old is that? Old enough!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Time and Tide

Ok here's the thing I know I'm super anal about being on time, but I do realize when its appropriate to be fashionably late. Those times consist of when you are getting ready for a date and he is picking you up from your house. Then yeah you got to make them sweat a little bit. Pretend like you're still putting the finishing touches on yourself. I mean I GOT GAME (  check number 4 in particular if you don't understand the vernacular). Or you're about to go to a killer party and everybody knows only losers show up early. 

Long story short I'm doing this whole online dating thing. Yup I am, boohoo go kick rocks if you think its a big deal. I'm just a busy woman who barely has time for sleep let alone a relationship, but yeah I still do want one. 

Anyway so I had this guy hit me up. Ok, checked his photo, pretty attractive. Educational background, has a masters and is on his way to completing a second one in production engineering, in other words SMART. Doesn't speak using "EBONICS", check. So far on paper or rather online this guy is seeming really good in my book. We set up a time that works for both of us to go on a first date. He let me pick the place, I let him pick the time and he set the reservation.

So its Thursday I get off work early. I go home, shower, put on a cute outfit consisting of an off the shoulder top with skinny jeans and heels. I'm looking hot to trot (yeah I said it, take it or leave it). I leave my house and get to the restaurant at 7:05, now 7pm was the reservation time that he set. So I get there and the maƮtre'd says that I'm the first person in my party to arrive. Yup I'm ticked off because I arrived 5 minutes late and he isn't there. STRIKE ONE!. So I sit down order myself a glass of wine peruse the menu. The time is now 7:15, so where the f*** is he? I text him and he texts back "I'm on my way". First off you're late and I'm the one who has to text you. ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS????? There is no way I got this cute for a dude to be late to a date he initiated. STRIKE TWO! I don't do odd numbers, so in my book HE'S OUT!!!

Alright so I'm anal about time but who isn't? I absolutely hate being late unless its called for. And you should too! Lateness is a blatant sign of disrespect and worse is not telling the party/person/people that are waiting for you that you are running late. C'mon are you kidding me. Well here's how the rest of the date went: he finally showed up at 7:30 yup a full 30 minutes late, the conversation was lame as he pretty much picked up his cell phone and accepted like 20 calls, ok well it was more like 2. So I got two more drinks, had something to eat then told him I had to go because I had a previous engagement and had he not been late we could've chatted a bit more (a bit passive aggressive I know). Oh yeah and when the bill came he said we were splitting it. I know you and I are both thinking what an ASSHOLE right!!! You best believe he will not be seeing my wonderful face again. JERK!

If you are going to date me be conscious of the fact that I will call you out on your lateness and I will be super bitchy and refer to it throughout the rest of the evening. Time and tide waits for no man ...and neither do I. Be on time or let me know that you can't make it at the appointed time, I've got plenty to do and alot to see, if you can't be there then its on to the next one. 

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